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Electricity Use for Kitchen and Laundry Appliances


Kitchen and laundry appliances help make the American way of life possible. We have time to relax with family and friends because of our washing machines, microwaves, convection ovens and dishwashers. You know these appliances are powered by electricity, but you might not know how much energy these devices consume and the effect they have on your monthly utility bills. According to the Energy Information Administration, kitchen and laundry appliances account for approximately 33% of household electricity consumption. The biggest energy user in your kitchen is probably your refrigerator, and ...

Wind Power: The Future of Energy By Dynowatt


It’s hard to escape news of the energy challenges the United States will continue to face in the coming decades. As we try to move past a petroleum-powered economy, consumers will increasingly turn to wind energy as a way to keep the lights on while preserving the environment. Just as European explorers counted upon the winds to fill their sails on the way to undiscovered countries, the future of energy, in part, is dependent on our ability to turn those same winds into the electricity we use every day. How ...

10 Ways to Generate Your Own Energy By Dynowatt


Your parents were right; if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Sure, the government is passing legislation to encourage development of alternative energies. The energy industry is taking their own measures to increase efficiency while reducing environmental hazards. All of that is great, and necessary. However, generating even a little of your own energy is a great idea for several reasons. First, you’re reducing your carbon footprint, resulting in less use of fossil fuel. Second, every piece of energy-efficient equipment you buy encourages those companies ...

Green Energy and a Step on the Path to Energy Independence


The recent movement toward renewable energy, also known as green energy, has resulted in a number of positives. Green energy helps to keep the environment clean and begins to confront the issue of Climate Change. Perhaps most importantly, green energy technologies will help to move the US toward being a more energy independent nation. Generating electricity using solar, wind and other renewable resources will help Americans power their lives without using resources from other countries. The current state of our nation’s generation facilities must be addressed if the United States ...

Energy Use and Conservation in the US


The United States produces and consumes a lot of energy- more than any other country in the world. Its supply enables American society to carry out the many functions inspired by the industrial revolution- allowing factories to manufacture products that will pave roads, build houses, clothe people, gas our cars, keep stores open, and ensuring that people are comfortable in their homes. It takes a tremendous volume of energy to sustain American life. In recent years, however, environmental scientists have started influencing American thought. Along with other highly-industrialized societies, the ...

Alternative Energy Helps Protect Texas’s Economy


Texas has long been known for having vast (though finite) quantities of oil located beneath the earth. While those derricks will likely be pumping for a long time, the Lone Star State is in a great position to take advantage of alternative energies. The environmental benefits are clear. Each coal-burning electricity plant that is replaced by a wind farm reduces the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. For each acre of solar panels installed in the less populated areas of West Texas, the environmental stress caused by a ...

What State Saves the Most Energy


A report released by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) ranks California as our nation’s most energy efficient state. ACEEE periodically examines energy efficiency policies throughout the country and releases their report as a way to put a spotlight on leaders in the field and the practices they use. ACEEE ranked states on a wide range of energy efficiency programs. Their criteria included: energy efficiency programs and policies, transportation and land use policies, building energy codes, appliance efficiency standards, and financial incentives for efficient technologies. Out of fifty ...

How to Pick a Better Energy Provider


These days, everyone is trying a little harder to get more bang for their buck. Whether it’s switching your credit card to one with a lower interest rate or trying to choose a cheaper energy provider, we all seem to be searching for a better deal. Sometimes this can be a little more difficult than anticipated-especially when you’re talking about something with as many factors involved as shopping for a electricity supplier. Below you will find a few tips to make your search a little bit easier. 1) Take a ...

Extracting Fossil Fuels for Energy and Electricity


Everyone knows that Americans rely heavily on fossil fuels. Much of our electricity is generated by the burning of coal. Furthermore, you probably cook your dinner on a natural gas range, and you pump gasoline into your car’s fuel tank every couple days. What you might not know are some of the different ways these raw materials are extracted from the Earth. Before you can extract the fossil fuel, of course, you need to figure out where it is. Finding petroleum and natural gas is still an evolving science. Most ...

All About Petroleum and Electricity


Without petroleum, the world would probably come to a screeching halt. Petroleum and its byproducts serve a lot of purposes for mankind, but the most important is probably the energy it provides us. Everyone knows that most cars run on gasoline, a fuel refined from crude oil, but the electricity in some homes across the United States is generated by petroleum as well. So, what is petroleum? Like other fossil fuels, petroleum starts with organic materials and takes millions of years to form. A large amount of petroleum is found ...

All About Coal and Electricity


Many people think they only use coal on beautiful summer days when they pour briquettes into their barbecue grill. While your char-broiled burger might be the most delicious way to use coal, it’s by no means the most important. Coal, a simple combustible rock, is a big contributor to the American way of life. Plentiful and (relatively) inexpensive, coal is very important in industrial and residential applications. Like other fossil fuels (petroleum and natural gas), it takes a lot of time for coal to form. Coal starts out as peat: ...

Top 10 Energy Saving Tips


Going green is a huge trend, even a bit of a craze, these days. Not only does it make sense in terms of taking care of our planet, but it can also save you a bundle of money. Here are ten simple ways to help out the earth and your wallet! 1) Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs. They may be more expensive to purchase than their incandescent counterparts, but changing just a few can save you significant money each year. How is that possible? Not only do they use less ...

All About Electricity


Electric power holds an interesting place in our lives. We use it every day to communicate with loved ones, cook our food, and even keep ourselves alive with machines. In spite of this importance, we don’t often think about the forces at work when we heat our cup of soup in the microwave. For many of us, it’s been quite a long time since we learned about this stuff in school. Let’s look back on how electricity works and find out a little bit about how much juice we really ...

Wind Energy Jobs


An interesting study from the American Wind Energy Association shows that jobs in the wind industry increased seventy (70) percent last year. With 35,000 new jobs created in 2008, the wind industry now employs more people than the coal industry. For clean energy advocates, this is a huge milestone-but can it be sustained? Will wind energy continue to blossom and create more job opportunities? First, we should examine how this boom came to pass in the first place. For one, wind energy is quickly becoming a popular idea. It’s one ...

The American Power Grid and Electricity


The American power grid, for all its importance, doesn’t get the attention that it deserves. We all know that electricity is generated in big plants and is sent to our homes via wires. The power grid, however, is so much more complicated and important than that. It’s also a matter of national safety and security. When American businesses and residences don’t have the power they need, lives and property are at risk. In August 2003, a power company in Ohio suffered three power line failures, putting excessive strain on the ...

Efficient Energy Home Wind Power


It’s no secret that “green” is in, but some people have surpassed efforts to recycle and cut down on energy waste, taking it a step further by changing the way their homes are powered in the first place. Some employ methods to rely on sustainable sources that are ozone friendly, such as installing solar panels. In addition, high wind areas are beginning to utilize windmills to harness frequent gusts into a source of renewable power. Not only do they tend to experience drastically declining utility bills, but they’re armed with ...

Making Energy Savings a Family Affair


Kids don’t understand the need to keep those energy bills down. Even teenagers, most of whom have a vague sense of fiscal responsibility, sometimes have trouble pitching in to minimize their family’s use of electricity. Yes, nearly every parent has lectured their children about the basics. (Don’t leave windows open when the air conditioner is running!) Unfortunately, lectures don’t always work. There are two big reasons to involve your children in energy conservation measures. First: you want to save money by reducing the amount of electricity you use. Second: you ...

Photovoltaic (PV) Roof Integrated Solar Electric Power Systems


Few would argue against the benefits of using solar energy to power your home. It’s clean, green, inexpensive, renewable and readily available. Today, homeowners and builders who dislike the “old-fashioned” solar panels of yesteryear need not sacrifice aesthetics for environmentalism. Photovoltaic roof integrated solar electric power (PVRISE) systems are more than functional. They also fit stylishly into modern home design schemes at the same time. Solar energy generation has evolved considerably over the last few decades. Early panels were mounted on stands, tilted toward the sun and placed, sometimes haphazardly, on a ...

5 Environmentally Conscious Green Technologies for Sustainable Living


Culturally, we appear to be coming full circle when it comes to building homes for the future. Modest, frugal homes gave way to excessive and “large” living in the 70′s and 80′s. Soon, though, developing countries began to realize the toll that living in excess was taking. Today, incorporating environmentally conscious green technologies and practices into home building is becoming not only acceptable but desirable. We are coming, as a population, to realize and even embrace the idea of modest, sustainable living. Today’s home builders are catering more and more to the ...

Avoiding the Most Common Real Estate Investing Mistakes


If you are interested in investing in real estate, you must learn about the most common mistakes which can occur, to better avoid them. Real estate can be a tricky thing-however, it doesn’t have to trip you up. The first mistake comes by making commitments to buy, but still waiting to be paid for what you sold. When times were buoyant, it was a fairly safe bet to buy unconditionally with only a deal on paper and a deposit to rely on. Not these days. Never sell in agreement to buy ...

Deciding Whether or Not to Buy a Beach Home


If you are thinking about buying a beach house, you need to make that you know what you are getting into! While this can be a haven of peace, it can also be financial handcuffs for you if you are not fully prepared. The prices for beach vacation homes are dropping these days, like most real estate across the country. People are drawn to the water and the ocean, so there’s a good chance that a beach vacation home will appreciate in value over the long-term. Nevertheless, buying a beach vacation ...

Purchasing and Managing an Investment Home


Within the past few years, the real estate market has been in dire trouble. Many areas have experienced a huge decrease in the amount that properties and homes are worth. This has caused a great deal of uncertainty when it comes to those that wish to purchase an investment property. Many feel that the market is making a turn around, and it is in some areas. There are a few things that one must know and remember if they are planning on purchasing a new or used property for ...

Weighing the Options of Buying versus Renting


Having the ability to purchase your own home is one of the most exciting achievements that an individual, couple, or family experiences. With home ownership comes a specific status. However, there are many who feel that it is not the right time or simply do not have the funds to purchase a residence to call their own. There are a number of benefits and drawbacks to both owning and renting a property. To start off, choosing to buy is almost always the more expensive option. Most people have to ...

Learning the Ins and Outs of Real Estate Down Payments


If you are thinking about buying a home or a condo, one of the most important things that you must have is a down payment. Most buyers do not have enough cash available to buy a home, so they need to obtain a mortgage to finance the purchase. Since you will probably make your purchase contingent upon obtaining a mortgage, the seller has the right to be informed of your financing plans in order to evaluate them. That is one of the major reasons that financing details are included in ...

Understanding Mortgage Refinancing and How it Works


You have probably heard of the term mortgage refinancing, but chances are you don’t know exactly what it is or how it works. If you are interested in buying real estate of any kind, or decreasing your expenses, learning about this process might benefit you greatly. Mortgage refinancing must not be confused with a ‘top up’ loan. A loan ‘top up’ is when you increase your loan amount but remain with your current lender. Refinancing is when you change your lenders. There can be many reasons for seeking to refinance your ...

Solid Hardwood Flooring


Wiki defines hardwood flooring as a term used to describe the hard wooden materials used in the construction of flooring products. There are two main types of hardwood flooring, solid hardwood and Engineered Hardwood Flooring. What hardwood flooring does not consist of is laminate wood flooring. Laminate wood floors have become popular and are synonymous with brand names such as Pergo. Laminate wood floors are made of a synthetic layer that is colored and textured to look like wood, but are priced lower and have improved durability. Engineered hardwood floors can ...

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Buying Outdoor Dining Tables


Depending on where you live, the weather may be getting colder. If you are fortunate enough to live where it’s warm, even better, because now may be the best time to buy those outdoor dining tables as well as any other outdoor living furniture you want. Here’s why: when the weather is cooler, you have a chance to get some really great deals on your furniture. Although you should have started shopping already, you can still find some great deals now. 1. Will you use the furniture outside or inside? This is the ...

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