Using Groupon Power to Purchase Real Estate Recently I was invited to join this investing opportunity using "Groupon" buying power to purchase Real Estate. Is this a fad, a trend, or will it become a standard in the home purchase and selling process? I've used Groupon to make "deal" purchases for smaller material items in the past but never considered investing in purchasing real property in this manner? I remember hearing that someone put their home on eBay and sold it. I was told another homeowner put an ad on Amazon, and I've seen hundreds of homes on Craigslist and other classified sites but Groupon power? I'm curious how many others have this happening in their areas and if so, what are your thoughts? is this something you would participate in? Can they really do this? Dumb question: Looks like they already are... Would your potential clients or past clients go for an opportunity like this? Would you? Join us for a group buying discount & group leverage Meeting"We have negotiated with the builder a discounted price on duplexes near Round-Rock (Austin). We are combing the group buying power to get better prices and create a rent protection concept. The duplexes' (2 units each) price is based on a group purchase." Investment Highlights Regular price: $260,000 – $270,000 per duplex ($130,000-$135,000 per door) Myself and others could sure use your help, advice, and feedback here. This is happening right here in the Bay Area, just about an hour away and I'm curious what my ActiveRain friends would advise or do themselves? No need to pull punches here, give me your honest thoughts and opinions. Usually, I'm the one trying to give information and advice but this time I need yours? Thanks.
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