How To Add Blogs To Facebook Business Pages

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How To Add Blogs To Facebook Business Pages

Many Facebook Business page owners want to automatically add their Blog posts to their pages.  While this can no longer be done on your Facebook personal profiles, it CAN BE DONE if you have a Facebook Business or Fan page.  NetworkedBlogs created a Facebook app that allows you to now add your Blog posts directly and automatically to the Facebook page(s) of your choice. 

The first step is to make sure you have a Facebook Fan or Business page.  If you don't have one, Create A Facebook Business Page or Fan Page here first. Once you have a page created, you can run through the following step-by-step instructions to add almost any blog content from any site to your Facebook selected pages. 

This should also work nicely with your ActiveRain blog content if you choose.

You'll want to visit to begin the process.  For detailed step-by-step instructions including the screen-shots that you'll need to do this, I've created a 12-Step Blog to Facebook Tutorial that will walk you through the entire process.

Some of you may not want your posts to appear on your Facebook pages and that's ok too. If that's the case, you might still find this tutorial helpful and useful to share with a friend or associate when they ask you how to do this?  This is what Bernadine Hunter from ActiveRain asked me, I hope this will help others too.

Instructions - How To Add Blogs To Facebook





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