How To Create A Great Start-Up Business

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How To Create A Great Start-Up Business

There are but a few critical pieces needed to create a successful start-up business today. In this example, you'll see that it doesn't take much and that it all stems from a simple GREAT idea that you can expand on and yet still have fun at the same time.

Here's five important pieces of the puzzle for a successful start-up business.

#1 - You'll need a niche, a group, or a target of people or prospects that need your product, tool, or service.

#2 - You need to be economically competitive, a price people won't think twice about, they are sold on the product.

#3 - You'll need to be able to tap into their emotional buying processes and signals using text, audio, and visual.

#4 - A great yet simple page on the web to access a globe of potential prospects and customers.

#5 - The use of people and social media in a strategic way to make sure your "viral marketing' is done by others.

These are the five components that are underlying nearly every buying decision made by consumers today.

In the example below, you'll see how this one start-up company
"The Dollar Shave Club" uses the combination of the five ingredients above to tap into nearly every human being on the earth. That is if you shave of course.

"This video was uploaded to Youtube just 3 days ago and already has 2,037,428 views"

The 5 Tip Break-down Mike found a niche group and prospects, (we all have to shave) he has an unbeatable and unbelievable price, he used inexpensive video media to tap into the emotional side of the brains' buying signals... humor, the website is simple, quick, and effective, and the use of social media FREE marketing that has gone viral is evident.

(Not to mention I'm writing this post along with the other thousands who are or will be doing the same thing)

It's genius, and anyone can do it!

If at first you don't succeed, try try again. A popular cliche we've all heard and know but that was before we had today's technology, free media, and the Internet. Today, with the right tools and knowledge, you can succeed right out the gate! And Yes, I am now a member of the Dollar Shave Club, thanks Mike! :)





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