3D Presentations for Real Estate

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3D Presentations for Real Estate

3D Prezi presentations will take your real estate presentations to the next level for buyers and sellers. Imagine sitting with any client at their home or your office and sharing a 3D presentation like this one. Awesome pictures combined with compelling content will deliver amazing results if you use this combination effectively.

Prezi.com now allows you to import your Powerpoint presentations so if you want to take a flat slideshow preso and make it 3D and come to life, give this new feature a whirl...oh yeah, and don't forget to check it out on your mobile iPad, the presentations look great!

Lastly, just in case you're interested in how Prezi got started, or if you just like a great success story, here's a really cool documentary created and presented in "Prezivision" that tells the tale of how Prezi was conceived and delivered as one of the greatest visual presentation editors on the web.

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Creating Your Own Cool Prezi-tations
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