How To Enable Facebook's Timeline Review

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How To Enable Facebook's Timeline Review

Facebook now allows you to be notified first of tagged posts and images before they appear on your timeline. This is a great feature if you don’t like stuff showing up on your wall that you haven’t reviewed and approved of first. How many times have you had to go into Facebook and hide or remove things that others have posted where you were tagged?

I’ve been tagged in photos I wasn’t even in.  Once I was actually tagged in an image of a lady’s pair of shoes. Really?  This is social media Facebook spamming. People do this just to get exposure of their post on your wall and tap into your sphere of influence and Facebook friends. Now there’s a way to fix it.

It’s called “Timeline Review” which can be enabled in the settings, but only if you can find it.  The timeline review feature by default is disabled, here's how to enable it.

STEP 1 – Login to your Facebook account and go to your personal timeline.

STEP 2 – Click on the “Activity Log” button located next to the “Update Info” button

STEP 3 – Open up the “Post and Apps” pull-down menu and select “Timeline Review

STEP 4 – Now click on the “settings Icon“   located next to the Notifications

STEP 5 – Chose to “Enable” or “Disable” the Timeline Review feature from this screen

Now you can stay in control of your Facebook timeline and what appears on your page by monitoring and reviewing it first. This will also keep you from having a "PANIC ATTACK" when you get that email from Facebook that says "You've Been Tagged in a Photo!" lol~





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