are you going the wrong way? or do you know?

The  Ultimate Real Estate Investing Podcast

I took my daughter, who is turning 15 in October,
out driving this weekend.

Just thinking about this makes me cringe! Not that I don't
trust her, but thinking about all the things that could happen
makes me crazy. I guess I'm just a worried dad.

Anyway, we were in a large church parking lot with no cars around.
She was driving my Range Rover Sport and doing pretty well...

Until…She drove down a one way street going the WRONG WAY!!

Now thank God there were no cars in sight, because she completely missed the 7 ONE WAY signs.


She freaked out once I showed her the signs and I believe
it made an impression on her to be more conscious of signs while driving.

So what does this have to do with you?

Well, you may be driving down the wrong road, in the wrong vehicle,
wondering why life sucks even though all the signs are right there in front of you.

You may not recognize the signs, so I'll give you a few:
1. You dread going to work everyday.
2. You're bored out of your mind.
3. You can't wait for the day to be over.
4. You have a bad feeling in your gut every time you think about work.
5. You're borderline depressed, but don't want to admit it.
6. You know you should and could be doing something much bigger and better.
7. You're constantly looking for the right opportunity.

If three or more of these hit home, then you're in the wrong vehicle going the wrong way.

I felt the exact same way just a handful of years ago. I got SO sick of the "same old same old" that I HAD to make a change.

I said a prayer and asked God to show me the way and before I knew it...


I tripped across the opportunity to flip houses (vehicle)

It changed my life COMPLETELY!!

You'll be amazed what dramatic changes can happen in your life when you find the right vehicle and start going in the right direction toward your dreams.

YES it can happen AND it can happen to you.

Here's the deal though, you now have to make a choice.

When is enough, enough?

When is your family and future worth the temporary fear of change?

My daughter was scared to death to get behind the wheel. I encouraged her,supported her and let her know that she has all the capabilities to be an amazing driver.

In the Flip2Freedom Academy, I do the same for you.

You are encouraged that you can do this, you are educated on exactly how to operate the vehicle of wholesaling houses. I get on the phone with you every two weeks and answer all of your burning questions AND you have the support of the entire community via our highly active members-only Facebook group.

The stories are amazing and YOU can be one of those stories once you
put fear aside and get started today.

GET Started Today


Live Large


P.S. You only have one life to live, so instead of going the wrong way, going nowhere, pick a path that has been paved before you. We'll make you an exceptional wholesaler, I promise.

GET Started Today


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