Co-Marketing Connects Agents Lenders and Contacts

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Co-Marketing Connects Agents Lenders and Contacts

Connecting Agents, Lenders and Consumers Online for Success OffLine

Partnerships exist on a variety of levels in real estate but some of those relationships are the most important partnerships in your business, right? For example your title company?  Or the relationships you have with the local moving companies, appraiser's and all those handyman helpers etc.

But none may be more important than the partnership you have/share with your Lender, Mortgage Broker or Banker. The relationship, processes, and tech systems along with the promised commitments, accoutablility and level of trust are what determine the level and success of any partnership.

"A partnership is an extention and a reflection of YOU!"  -  Van Papadopoulos

Take a quick view and listen to Van Papadopoulos from Eagle Bank as he shares his insights and experience working and partnering with real estate agents on Zillow.  Van states, "I've originated about $50 million dollars in production in the last couple years...from Zillow sourced leads and referrals."

Van shares his expertise and wisdom which can only come from the actual experience of partnering with agents as a "co-marketing" lender. Van's advice and the suggested tips in this video were very well received by both agents and lenders who joined in from all over the country.

Title of Van's Session

"Get Your Money for Nothing and Your Clicks for Free!"




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