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Irvine Housing by the Numbers - August 2012 Update

Posted: 15 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Here is an updated list of the housing numbers for each of Irvine’s neighborhood. Of note, Northpark, Westpark, and Oakcreek had year-over-year decreases in the price per square foot in all but one month this year. Woodbury is also notable for having mostly year-over-year decreases this year. On the other hand, Turtle Rock had year-over-year increases in all but one month this year. Irvine’s other neighborhoods had various combinations of up and down fluctuations in the price per square.

Area List Price/# Homes Listed Sold Price/# Homes Sold List Per SF Sold Per SF % Chg Y-O-Y Sold Price/SF
12-Jul $594K/27 $468K/18 $406 $312 1%
12-Jun $511K/32 $328K/30 $380 $312 -3.40%
12-May $459K/41  $514K/19  $356 $325  5.90%
12-Apr $442K/48 $340K/25 $350 $304 -5.90%
12-Mar $415K/45 $412K/16 $348 $346 11.60%
12-Feb $392K/48 $330K/15 $337 $288 -11.70%
12-Jan $374K/52 $327K/18 $332 $317 -17%
Columbus Grove n/a        
El Camino          
12-Jul $624K/10 $455K/9 $408 $359  16.6%
12-Jun $579K/24 $504K/13 $392 $327 16%
12-May $555K/19  $435K/19  $365 $280 -17.20%
12-Apr $572K/22 $458K/12 $329 $239 -22.10%
12-Mar $546K/22 $468K/10 $329 $327 3.80%
12-Feb $467K/26 $340K/5 $339 $281 -6.60%
12-Jan $462K/28 $389K/6 $322 $267 -28.40%
12-Jul $844K/48    $540K/31 $348 $289 -10%
12-Jun $774K/50  $460K/35  $351 $297  1.40%
12-May $700K/59  $438K/35  $329  $278 -7.3% 
12-Apr $649K/51 $390K/29 $339 $283 -10.04
12-Mar $674K/50 $465K/36 $341 $281 -8.80%
12-Feb $459K/74 $415K/13 $301 $280 -9.40%
12-Jan $465K/91 $412K/19 $290 $277 -20.90%
12-Jul $727K/52 $650K/22 $323 $340 9%
12-Jun $692K/62 $525K/27 $316 $295  -8.10%
12-May $697K/52 $584K/32 $314  $267  -13% 
12-Apr $599K/59 $579K/30 $312 $310 5.10%
12-Mar $519K/61 $518K/20 $316 $301 -1.60%
12-Feb $504K/66 $292K/13 $300 $287 -7.10%
12-Jan $489K/78 $518K/17 $286 $292 -7.60%
Oak Creek          
12-Jul $576K/12  $338K/12 $330 $288 -10.60%
12-Jun $720K/19  $216K/10  $330  $216  -21.10%
12-May  $579K/17  $240K/8 $333  $281 -1.7% 
12-Apr $530K/19 $628K/14 $303 $315 5.90%
12-Mar $425K/27 $284K/14 $309 $292 -1.40%
12-Feb $487K/26 $267K/13 $317 $267 -15.80%
12-Jan $350K/33 $249K/9 $308 $261 -20.40%
Orange Tree          
12-Jul $257K/2 $279K/4 $311 $265 -23%
12-Jun $250K/3 $181K/6  $307   $251  -10%
12-May $280K/3  $145K/2 $307 $261 6.1% 
12-Apr $278K/6 $165K/1 $256 $203 -31.90%
12-Mar $245K/9 $189K/6 $253 $279 4.10%
12-Feb $242K/6 $200K/6 $249 $230 -33.50%
12-Jan $216K/12 $205K/5 $252 $249 -13.50%
Portola Springs        
12-Jul $639K/33 $631K/12 $325 $317 1%
12-Jun $622K/31 $724K/8 $321 $308 -4%
12-May $660K/23 $582K/13 $335 $284 -4.10%
12-Apr $693K/30 $596K/11 $330 $299 -11%
12-Mar $639K/25 $950K/5 $325 $320 11.90%
12-Feb $641K/31 $510K/1 $317 $249 -12%
12-Jan $623K/43 $570K/7 $321 $293 1.40%
Quail Hill           
12-Jul    $625K/13 $885K/8 $361 $389 21.60%
12-Jun $647K/14   $586K/12  $373 $375 8.1% 
12-May $714K/18  $465K/13 $376 $347 -13.00%
12-Apr $749K/17 $863K/6 $373 $374 7.50%
12-Mar $500K/21 $505K/9 $360 $317 -3.10%
12-Feb $515K/21 $470k/6 $364 $307 -10.80%
12-Jan $560K/20 $512K/8 $324 $326 -13.30%
Rancho San Joaquin        
12-Jul $509K/3 $433K/2 $320 $269 -6.30%
12-Jun n/a        
12-May $475K/5 $410K/2 $313 $306 -2%
12-Apr n/a        
12-Mar $465K/5 $500K/2 $246 $296 n/a
12-Feb $492K/6 $360K/1 $297 $336 n/a
12-Jan n/a          
Shady Canyon          
12-Jul $6,000K/27 $4,555K/3 $760 $586 15.40%
12-Jun $5,998K/26 $3,700K/3 $761 $552 -10%
12-May $6,000K/25 $4,019K/6 $705 $673 30.70%
12-Apr $5,995K/23 $4,875K/4 $720 $512 -6.10%
12-Mar $5,980K/21 $4,436K/4 $720 $657 28.80%
12-Feb $5,995K/23 $3,200K/3 $725 $603 7.50%
12-Jan $5,980K/23 $2,670K/5 $720 $534 24.20%
Turtle Ridge          
12-Jul $1,848K/25 $1,440K/12 $571 $510 14.90%
12-Jun  $1,875K/27 $1,360K/11 $570   $467  4.70%
12-May $1,749K/31 $1,044K/8  $545  $459 0.101
12-Apr $1,724K/28 na/8 $533 $421 5.20%
12-Mar $1,899K/28 $1,500K/7 $550 $485 -8.30%
12-Feb $1,899K/27 $955K/4 $527 $441 18.90%
12-Jan $1,672K/32 $532K/4 $493 $355 -25.30%
Turtle Rock          
12-Jul $837K/32 $975K/10 $421 $451 19.30%
12-Jun $865K/37  $915K/20 $457  $446 3.20%
12-May $939K/37  $730K/9  $454   $410  3.30%
12-Apr $986K/43 $1,050K/5 $457 $461 10.30%
12-Mar $967K/40 $690K/11 $448 $381 17.60%
12-Feb $1,024K/38 $1,422K/4 $457 $559 14.30%
12-Jan $974K/40 $545K/8 $458 $295 -14.20%
University Park         
12-Jul $699K/7 $560K/5 $331 $312 -9%
12-Jun $599K/12 $540K/10 $345 $333 6.40%
12-May $602K/12 $539K/8 $346 $291 6.20%
12-Apr $609K/11 $538K/7 $352 $272 -15%
12-Mar $552K/14 $431K/6 $288 $305 -5.60%
12-Feb $578K/14 $555K/4 $297 $286 9.60%
12-Jan $595K/14 $420K/7 $289 $281 -10.80%
University Town Center        
12-Jul $435K/10 $430K/6 $368 $316 -10%
12-Jun $440K/7 $295K/2 $384 $322 17.10%
12-May $440K/5 $450K/5 $371 $311 6.90%
12-Apr $340K/3 $375K/5 $338 $326 6.90%
12-Mar $455K/7 $478K/4 $298 $321 1.90%
12-Feb $347K/6 $384K/1 $342 $265 -19.50%
12-Jan $467K/10 $480K/1 $330 $315 n/a
12-Jul  $626K/14 $528K/1 $330 $321 -4.20%
12-Jun $659K/5 $540K/5 $307 $280 -9.40%
12-May $628K/5 $595K/5  $309 $314 14.6% 
12-Apr $532K/3 $580K/5 $313 $306 -1%
12-Mar $619K/5 $635K/3 $327 $300 3.40%
12-Feb $600K/5 $509K/3 $316 $310 -9.40%
12-Jan $600K/11 $596K/4 $298 $259 -12.80%
West Irvine n/a        
12-Jul $615K/11 $480K/3 $329 $291 -20.30%
12-Jun $823K/13 $670K/4 $360 $318 -10.40%
12-May $628K/5 $595K/5 $309 $314 14.60%
12-Apr $624K/14 $651K/8 $360 $304 -10.30%
12-Mar $565K/17 $615K/10 $319 $331 -2.50%
12-Feb $649K/21 $506K/6 $319 $361 21.50%
12-Jan $552K/20 $695K/2 $331 $356 -11.20%
12-Jul $625K/37 $500K/33 $350 $318 3.20%
12-Jun $570K/39 $508K/36 $357 $340 8.60%
12-May $586K/50 $430K/25 $350 $307 -6.40%
12-Apr $554K/68 $422K/29 $347 $289 -8%
12-Mar $494K/68 $345K/31 $339 $283 -9.30%
12-Feb $459K/83 $399K/23 $328 $312 -4.90%
12-Jan $435K/93 $402K/15 $317 $273 -6.20%
12-Jul $845K/25 $452K/9 $353 $295 3.50%
12-Jun $823K/30 $470K/15  $359  $316 -5.40%
12-May $872K/24 $650K/11 $363 $310 -3.40%
12-Apr $784K/30 $475K/14 $357 $291 -9.30%
12-Mar $680K/35 $678K/21 $334 $289 0%
12-Feb $650K/33 $419K/8 $330 $298 -4.70%
12-Jan $611K/44 $460K/8 $314 $292 -16.80%


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